Like, Share, Follow. What does agreement look like?
Whooo, Hey ya’ll! So much has been going on, I pray all is well with you and you are thriving. God’s been dealing with me lately about covenants, contracts, and agreements and you know I had to come and share some insights.
It literally was shocking when I started to receive downloads on this topic. I mean I’ve heard about “agreement” for years. Like don’t come into agreement with this, don’t come in to agreement with that. However, I don’t think I had a full and complete understanding of firstly what agreement really is and second how deep it really goes.
If you’ve been in a charismatic church for any length of time especially in recent years you’d see and notice that agreement has been the topic of many sermons, yet many haven’t gone beneath the surface. So, why don’t we go there?
Agreement as defined by Merriam Webster is “harmony of opinion, action, or character; the act of fact of agreeing; an arrangement as to a course of action” Some synonyms are concord, company, or treaty. Immediately we see that when I come into agreement with something I am on one accord, in union, in harmony with an action or character. In the case of Christians this is spiritual. I am either in agreement with Holy Spirit or some other spirit.
When’s I started to grasp this concept it then got me thinking about social media. You know how every social site has some method or display that shows our approval of a “message” or “post”. We then have the ability to follow someone based on that, or we can block them. In addition, I can share it if it really moves me. Now I’ve been known to get a little deep a cerebral, but this really got my wheels turning. When I share a post am I in agreement with what it stands for?
Since I’m the definition queen, lets go on down the rabbit hole.
Follow- to go, proceed, or come after; to engage in as a calling or way of life; to walk or proceed along; to be or act in accordance with; to accept as authority; to see to attain; to pursue in an effort to overtake.
Like- to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in; to feel toward; to wish to have; to do well in ; to electronically register one’s approval of something; to be suitable or agreeable to
Share- to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others; to have in common; to distribute on the internet; to divide and distribute to others.
Now I know some of you might say “Ashley, it’s not that deep”. Can I share something with you? It really is. Not only can a like, share, or follow express agreement it can also make you complicit. If someone new to the faith is going through my friends/follow list who will they see? Is my follow affirming that the other person is sound? worth a follow? I condone or believe in what they are producing?
For me the answer is yes, not even a week ago I was going down a rabbit hole of false prophets. I saw some people I follow that followed that person and I immediately had to block them. Now, it wasn’t personal and I’ll pray but I can afford it. I can’t afford for people to be deceived by way of my like, share, or follow.
In addition to all that it can delay entering into agreement with God’s perfect will for your life. Or simply missing out on the blessings of God. Have you ever seen those posts, ” I guess I’ll be single forever” and you go and “like” it. What did you just come into agreement with? Or ” all these men suck” you literally just said that’s true and I agree, and that’s the word for my life. NO, WE NOT DOING THAT ANYMORE!
In 1 Kings 15 we see Asa the son of David at war with Baasha. Asa was King of Judah and Baasha King of Israel (this is deep within itself, but we can chat about that another time). Anyway they were into it because Asa was gonna do thus saith the Lord no matter what, I mean he even put his mama out because of her idolatry. Baasha was at odds with him and starting to build Ramah, basically a fortified city so that no one could enter or go out. Imagine the hold up in trading etc. So Asa, whose heart was perfect before the Lord reached out to Benhadad and said to him in v.19
“There is a league between me and thee, and between my father and thy father; behold, I have sent unto thee a present of silver and gold; come and break thy league with Baasha king of Israel, that he may depart from me.
1 Kings 15:19 KJV
In order for there to be breakthough for Asa, agreement was required. But in order for that agreement to be sure, Benhadad has to break his agreement with Baasha. We can get deep and go there and talk about what each king represented, or ask how Benhadad could have agreement with both kings? These are all valid, but we have multiple agreements coexisting all of the time. It’s like in the morning I can be singing to Lord ” There is none like You” and that night ” baby, you’re my one an only”. On Sunday, I can be confessing “I’m fearfully and wonderfully made” and by Thursday I could be saying “I’m so stupid”.
I believe that in order to walk in full agreement with God and His promises, we need to know HIM. That means get in the word.
Now that we know what agreement is, it’s time to take inventory and come out of agreement. We can do this by:
- Verbally coming out of agreement ( on socials stop liking, sharing, following foolishness) things that are out of agreement with what God has said concerning you.
- Taking real action to come out of agreement If you are actively sinning, STOP. In the scripture from earlier Benhadad literally sent the commanders of his armies to break the covenant he had with Baasha.
- REPENT! when you identify any agreement not in alignment with the word repent, instantly- change your mind about it.
The enemy roams about as a lion seeking who he may devour, don’t let it be you SIS. God has so many amazing things in store for you if you can just focus on HIM.
I pray that we have eyes to see and ears to hear. That we truly understand what we are in agreement with , what we are giving permission to have access to our lives, what we are following, and sharing as these are weighty matters.
What do you want to be in agreement with in your life? I want to to be in agreement with all of the promises God has for me.
BTW.. I got a lot more notes on agreement, covenants, all that.. we might do a series.
Love Y’all,